Wicker: Miss. Delegation Is Well Positioned for Next Congress

Senator Congratulates Cochran, Harper, Nunnelee, and Palazzo on Victories

November 4, 2014

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today made the following statement after electoral victories were declared for Senator Thad Cochran, R-Miss, and Representatives Gregg Harper, R-Miss., Alan Nunnelee, R-Miss., and Steven Palazzo, R-Miss.:

“I congratulate Senator Cochran and Congressmen Harper, Nunnelee, and Palazzo on their wins tonight. It was a spirited campaign season, and I commend all those involved for participating in the democratic process, regardless of party or outcome.

“Ronald Reagan once said, ‘The right to vote is the crown jewel of American liberties.’ Today, we demonstrated once again that America is the most vibrant, greatest democracy the world has ever known.

“In the end, the people of Mississippi have elected a seasoned team to fight on their behalf in Washington. There is much work to do. Our country faces a number of serious challenges at home and abroad. Americans recognize that President Obama and his allies in Congress have done little to stem the tide of joblessness or bolster the United States’ standing in the world.  They want leadership and solutions.

“Only two years remain of the President’s final term in office and our congressional delegation will work to hold the President and his Administration accountable. We are well positioned to do the job that Mississippians sent us here to do.”