Wicker Statement on Ongoing Discussions of Financial Market Recovery Legislation

September 25, 2008

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., released the following statement Thursday regarding the ongoing discussions over legislation to stabilize our financial markets:

“I continue to monitor the ongoing bipartisan discussions between the president, his economic advisors, and Congressional leaders from both parties.  When our country is faced with a decision of this magnitude and importance, there is no room for partisanship. 

“I remain concerned and angered by the need for this proposal, and I realize the people of Mississippi are, too.  The people who are calling my office have little sympathy for the Wall Street brokers who helped create this mess.  Neither do I.  Mississippians are concerned about how this financial problem could affect their day-to-day lives.  They worry about the value of their homes and want to make sure their retirement savings are secure, whether credit will still be available for small businesses to expand and create jobs, and whether they will be able to borrow money to send their children to college.  I share these concerns and am focusing on them as this process moves forward. 

“As a proposal is formed, I plan to continue listening to the people of Mississippi, as well as consulting with economic experts, to ensure that any action taken protects those on Main Street, not Wall Street.”