Senator Wicker Statement on the Confirmation of General David Petraeus

June 29, 2010

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) issued the following statement today after voting in favor of the confirmation of General David Petraeus to be commander of the International Security Assistance Force and commander of the U.S. Forces Afghanistan:

“General David Petraeus is a true American hero and the right man to lead our efforts in Afghanistan. We owe a great deal of thanks to him and his wife for their sacrifice and service to our country.

“However, the question of victory does not fall on General Petraeus. I have complete faith and confidence in him and the remarkable men and women in uniform. The only way we could fail in Afghanistan is if we have a government unwilling to support our troops on the ground. I will work with my colleagues to ensure General Petraeus and our brave men and women have the resources they need to succeed. The alternative is unacceptable.”   

Click here to watch Senator Wicker’s discussion with General Petraeus in a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing today.

Click here to watch Senator Wicker discuss Afghanistan, General Petraeus’s confirmation hearing, and the dangers of a withdrawal deadline on MSNBC.

The Senate Armed Services Committee voted unanimously to confirm the nomination of General Petraeus. The full Senate is expected to clear his confirmation this evening.

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