Wicker Votes to Cut Spending, Urges Colleagues to Address Deficit

March 10, 2011

Washington, DC – Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) on Wednesday voted to cut more than $56 billion in federal spending this fiscal year, which ends September 30.  The measure, H.R. 1 was passed by the House of Representatives earlier in the year.  However, it did not receive the 60 votes required for Senate passage.

“At a time when we borrow 40 cents for every dollar we spend, we have to stop spending money that we do not have,” said Wicker.  “While these cuts need to be prudent, difficult decisions must be made.  If we fail to act, our children and grandchildren will be left to pay our national debt.  I will continue to work with my colleagues to address our unsustainable deficit.”

Wicker has been calling on his colleagues in the Senate to cut their office budgets by at least five percent in 2011.  While only a beginning, Wicker said the commitment would signal a change for the better in Washington.

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