Wicker Bill Would Prohibit Taxpayer Funding of Abortions

May 5, 2011

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) today introduced the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, S. 906, to ensure that American taxpayers are not involved in funding the destruction of innocent human life through abortion.  The Wicker bill is companion legislation to H.R. 3, which passed by a vote of 251 – 175 on Wednesday.

“The passage of the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act with a strong, bipartisan majority of House members is a crucial step forward and one we hope to replicate in the Senate,” Wicker said. “Our goal is to codify in a single federal act a policy that has been endorsed again and again by the Congress and which has overwhelming public support – that of withholding taxpayer funding of abortion.”

This comprehensive approach will eliminate the need for separate abortion funding policies and ensure that no federal program is exempt from this prohibition.  The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act will ensure once-and-for-all that no taxpayer dollars are used to fund abortions.
This legislation is simple and straightforward and would to establish in law what most Americans believe – taxpayer dollars should not be used for abortion.

The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act is co-sponsored by 21 members of the Senate, including Senators Shelby, Blunt, DeMint, Coats, Burr, Enzi, Coburn, Vitter, Risch, Barrasso, Cochran, Boozman, Moran, Ayotte, Johanns, Grassley, Paul, Rubio, Inhofe, Hatch, and Kyl.

To view the bill, click here.  A summary of the bill can be found here.

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