Wicker: $300,000 ARC Grant Awarded to Winona

Montgomery County Obtains Project Funding for Upgrades to Wastewater System

January 14, 2016

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today announced that the city of Winona, located in Montgomery County, will receive $300,000 in grant funding from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) for improvements to its wastewater collection system.

“Winona’s wastewater collection system desperately needs improvements,” Wicker said. “High-quality water treatment systems and advancements in public health projects are important to the city’s future. This ARC grant promises to make a positive difference in the community.”

The Winona wastewater collection system is in a deteriorating state, suffering from numerous pipe defects such as holes, cracks, and failed pipe joints. This grant allows upgrades that will improve sewer service for 378 households and 26 businesses in the project area. The repairs will help reduce treatment and maintenance expenses, providing a safe and reliable wastewater system for existing businesses and residences.

In addition to the ARC funding, the state will provide $346,000, and local sources will contribute $149,900 to the project, bringing the estimated total project cost to $795,900.

ARC awards grants and contracts from funds appropriated to the Commission annually by Congress. Program grants are directed to state and local agencies, local governing boards, and nonprofit organizations. In addition to investments in infrastructure, contracts are awarded for research on topics that directly impact economic development in the Appalachian Region, which includes 24 counties in northeastern Mississippi.

Wicker recently led efforts to reauthorize ARC, sponsoring legislation to allocate $100 million annually over the next five years. The measure was included in the highway bill, which was passed by Congress and signed into law in December.