Wicker Assesses Spectrum Needs in ‘Race to 5G’

Next Generation Wireless Technology Could Unlock Huge Advancements for U.S.

July 25, 2018

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today attended a hearing of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation to hear testimony on U.S. efforts for the rapid deployment of 5G technologies and the industry’s need for more wireless spectrum to support this next-generation wireless broadband internet technology.

Wicker asked the witnesses at the hearing about the U.S. position in the race to 5G.

“We can still win, but we have to act,” said Meredith Attwell Baker, president and CEO of CTIA – The Wireless Association.

Baker noted the positive effects of U.S. leadership in 4G deployment, which helped propel major developments in the app and sharing economies.

“We know that at 100 times faster, and virtually no lag time, we know [5G] will unlock all kinds of things in transportation, energy, and education. We want all of that [advancement] to happen here so that we can export our innovation, instead of taking the Chinese innovation here,” Baker said.

Wicker has been a leader in advancing 5G deployment. Last month, he introduced the SPECTRUM NOW Act, which would support the more efficient use of wireless spectrum.

Other witnesses at today’s hearing included:

  • Mr. Dean Brenner, Senior Vice President, Spectrum Strategy and Technology Policy, Qualcomm;
  • Mr. Craig Cowden, Senior Vice President, Wireless Technology, Charter Communications, Inc.; and
  • Mr. Tom Stroup, President, Satellite Industry Association