Wicker Comments on President Biden’s State of the Union

Miss. Senator Says Biden is ‘Failing the American People’

February 7, 2023

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today released a video statement ahead of President Joseph R. Biden’s second State of the Union address.

“Americans want to see a strong commander-in-chief,” Wicker said. “They want a leader who takes responsibility. This State of the Union address is an opportunity for the President to speak with clarity about our problems. But I will not hold my breath. I expect we will get more of the same: all talk and very little action.”

In his remarks, Wicker points to the record-high inflation that has risen under President Biden’s leadership, the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, and his disastrous foreign policy failures.

View the full text of his remarks below.

After two years in office, it’s clear to most Americans that President Biden is failing the American people.

Take, for example, the economy. At the start of his term, America was poised to roar back to life after two tough years of the pandemic. 

But this President decided to double down on the COVID policies. He passed a $1.9 trillion tax and spending spree - All without a single Republican vote.  

Economists – even in his own party – warned it would be like pouring gasoline on the economy, and that’s exactly what happened. Now the American people are watching the economy burn.  

The cost of living is up 13.5 percent across the board. Wage gains have been erased for 21 straight months.  Families are right to be angry, and the American dream is slipping out of reach for many.

President Biden also promised he would be the adult in the room. But his leadership has been sorely lacking.  

We’re now facing the worst border crisis in history.  

Under his watch, there have been nearly 5 million illegal border crossings. There is no control. Our Border Patrol is overwhelmed and has no support from this Administration. And traffickers and cartels are spreading deadly drugs in our communities. It is the cartels who are controlling the border now, from the Mexican side.

And who can forget President Biden’s failing foreign policy? He is the President of “too little, too late.” Just last week, he let a Chinese spy balloon travel across the entire continental United States before contesting its presence. It was an astounding display of incompetence. 

Americans want to see a strong commander-in-chief. They want a leader who takes responsibility. This State of the Union address is an opportunity for the President to speak with clarity about our problems. But I will not hold my breath. I expect we will get more of the same: all talk and very little action. 

However, I am encouraged by what’s to come this year.  

Republicans have a new majority in the House of Representatives. Together, we will hold this Administration accountable and get our nation back on track. 

We’ll fight to unleash American energy production, slash burdensome regulations, end our dependence on our adversaries, and protect our border. 

We’ll combat the liberal woke agenda - in our schools, and in the military. 

And we’ll commit to rebuilding our national security by embracing Ronald Reagan’s philosophy of “peace through strength.” 

I am confident we will continue to work together in the best interest of the American people and to strengthen our union further. 

Thank you.