Wicker Statement on Department of Defense Abortion Assistance

Armed Services Leader: “Far-left Social Policy Has No Place At The Department of Defense”

February 16, 2023

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., the ranking member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, today released the following statement in response to the Department of Defense announcement that it plans to financially and otherwise materially aid in the travel of personnel to procure abortions with taxpayer funds:

“I am deeply troubled by the announcement that the Biden Administration is considering the use of taxpayer dollars to assist in the performance of abortions,” Wicker said. “The Pentagon should be singularly focused on improving readiness and lethality, and there is no compelling argument or data that shows aiding abortions helps us complete that mission.”

“Heavy-handed, far-left social policy has no place at the Department of Defense. I will always stand to protect life, and I intend to work with my colleagues to demand answers and accountability on this disastrous decision.”

Last year, Wicker joined a letter with several of his Senate Armed Services Committee colleagues demanding a clear justification from senior Biden Administration officials how providing services related to abortion for service members would affect readiness at the Department of Defense. The Mississippi senator also introduced the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act with 46 of his colleagues in January, which would establish a permanent prohibition on the use of public funds for abortion.