Wicker Comments on Biden’s New FCC Nominees

June 22, 2023

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today released the following statement after a Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee hearing to consider appointments to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The hearing featured the renominations of two current commissioners, Brendan Carr, a Republican, and Geoffrey Starks, a Democrat, as well as the nomination of a new FCC Inspector General. It also included testimony from Anna Gomez, a Democrat, who has been nominated to fill a commissioner vacancy that has remained open for the past two years.

“Selecting the right people to lead the FCC is critical for the future of our country’s communications and broadband, and it is a responsibility that I take seriously,” Wicker said. “While I am very familiar with the work of our current commissioners, the Commerce Committee has not had adequate time to consider the nomination of Anna Gomez. I look forward to meeting with her and considering her background and qualifications in the months ahead.”

Wicker, the former ranking member of the Commerce Committee, has been a leading voice on FCC nominations.