Wicker Statement on Democrat Abortion Ploy During NDAA Markup

Armed Services Leader: Maneuver Risks Good Working Order During Most Dangerous Moment Since WWII

June 15, 2023

WASHINGTON – Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today released the following statement following the decision by Senate Democrats to hold a separate, parallel vote during the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) markup process on legislation to address taxpayer-funded travel for Department of Defense (DOD) personnel seeking abortions:

“The decision to markup an abortion measure on a parallel track to the NDAA is unprecedented. It ignores the will of this committee and is designed to ensure that the Pentagon can continue to use taxpayer funding to facilitate elective abortions,” Wicker said. “The good working order and bipartisan tradition of the Senate Armed Services Committee are not well served by this tactic. During the most dangerous national security moment since World War II, we should be focused on completing a strong NDAA that delivers the warfighting capabilities our troops need to deter China and Russia.”

In addition to his statement, Wicker released the following facts:

  • Removing an issue properly considered on NDAA and marking it up separately has not occurred at the Senate Armed Services Committee since at least 2000.
  • The Senate has failed to pass its NDAA in two consecutive years because of the pursuit of highly partisan and Democrat-led non-defense priorities.  
  • Ranking Member Wicker and SASC Republicans have repeatedly asked for evidence to determine the factual nature of the Pentagon’s claim that severing abortion funding would impact readiness. The Pentagon has yet to respond. 
  • During the 2010 repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, the committee acted on the issue by adopting an amendment in markup and Senate leaders brought the NDAA to the floor.