Wicker Votes to Avoid Shutdown

Shutdown Would Have Perilous Consequences for National Security, Border, & Economy

September 30, 2023

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss., today voted to advance legislation that would fund federal government operations for 45 days. The proposal, known as a “continuing resolution (CR),” would maintain the status quo for federal funding to allow Congress more time to negotiate full-year appropriations bills that would lower federal domestic spending and support national security and border security.

“It is regrettable that Congress has not been able to enact legislation in time to fund the federal government. Passing this short-term bill, though not ideal, will allow both the House and Senate time to move forward with funding negotiations without the effects of a damaging shutdown. Congress should proceed quickly with the remaining appropriations bills so that we can get back to work on other important priorities, such as national defense,” Wicker said.

Wicker also commented on the particular impact of a shutdown on military readiness, border security, and the U.S. economy.

“A shutdown would mean our troops and our border patrol officers would report for duty without pay and that many critical federal services would be halted indefinitely at a high cost to the American taxpayer. Failing to fund our troops and their families would be a major setback to readiness, recruitment, and retention. A continuing resolution is no substitute for full appropriations bills, but it is far better than the alternative. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that the 35-day shutdown of 2019 cost the U.S. economy $8 billion,” Wicker said.