Senator Wicker Statement on Newly Reported ATACMS Distribution to Ukraine

April 24, 2024

WASHINGTON – The Pentagon just confirmed that the United States transferred long-range Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) to Ukraine. Ukraine had repeatedly requested these missiles for over one year before the Biden Administration finally acted. Then, last week, the Ukrainians reportedly used these long-range and long-awaited missiles to flatten a Russian air base in Crimea.

Senator Wicker released the following statement:

“These strikes proved – once again – that Ukraine can notch battlefield victories when given the right tools. Ukraine can put a target on every Russian asset in Crimea, including critical ammunition and fuel depots. Imagine if they had these missiles two years ago. Yesterday in the defense supplemental, Congress required the Biden administration to send ATACMS. It is past time to provide Ukraine with the munitions that matter to the fight.”

Senator Wicker also cited each occasion he urged the Biden administration to send Ukraine ATACMS in the past two years:

Jan 26, 2023: Upon taking the role of lead Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senator Wicker delivered remarks on the Senate floor that noted “we need to give Ukraine ATACMS long-range missiles.”

Feb. 3, 2023: Senator Wicker responded to the latest tranche of Biden administration aid by calling for ATACMS to be included in the next package.

Feb. 9, 2023: In the pages of National Review, Senator Wicker called for President Biden to deliver ATACMS to Ukraine.

May 19, 2023: After the Biden administration authorized F-16 training for Ukraine, Senator Wicker requested the Biden administration follow that up with sending ATACMS.

July 12, 2023: In the nomination hearing of General Randy George for U.S. Army chief of staff, Senator Wicker asked General George to consider the provision of “ATACMS and area denial munitions” to Ukraine.

In a joint statement with Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Jim Risch, R-Idaho, and House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, Senator Wicker demanded that President Biden match Britain and France’s long-range munition distribution efforts with ATACMS.

July 27, 2023: Senator Wicker requested the provision of ATACMS for Ukraine alongside enhanced oversight authorities for the Department of Defense Inspector General for Ukraine.

September 21, 2023: Senator Wicker called on the Biden administration to stop “withhold[ing]” ATACMS for Ukraine.

Senator Wicker further asked: “Does the Biden administration want Ukraine to win?”

November 2, 2023: Senator Wicker again joined Sen. Risch, Rep. McCaul, as well as House Armed Services Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala., on a letter asking President Biden to distribute the “full inventory” of shorter-range ATACMS as well as longer range variants.